BOTOX can be an ideal option to reduce signs of aging and smooth wrinkles on the face by freezing muscles to create a youthful, refreshed appearance.
Dysport is a cosmetic wrinkle relaxer that smooths wrinkles and lines in just one visit to our Broken Arrow, OK office for a newly refreshed look.
JUVÉDERM has several unique formulas that address aging by smoothing fine lines or replacing facial volume loss for a lasting, rejuvenated appearance.
Bellafill is a long-lasting dermal filler utilized to reduce the appearance of static wrinkles with a collagen-rich gel formula that adds fullness.
KYBELLA treatments in Broken Arrow, OK address a double chin by dissolving and absorbing fat for a slimmer, sculpted jawline and neck.
Sculptra treatments can increase fullness in the mid-face and diminish the appearance of deep lines and wrinkles, like smile and laugh lines.
RADIESSE treats lines while boosting volume and collagen production for a youthful, glowing appearance with results that can last a couple of years.